Synergy implements special programs, which are indeed investment products that are tied to a specific product or service. With the Synergy profit team you can buy a car, real estate and services for only 30-60% of their cost, while you wait for fulfillment of obligations, your investment is under a 100% guarantee using the Largo Insurance platform.
Il faut un rang "mentor 11"... J'en suis loin, mais ça signifie que le site se développe.
Sans proposer de booster ou autre, on va dire que c'est plutôt bon signe.
Notation des sites par les internautes sur le ManiaBook :
: Site à éviter à tout pris, SCAM, arnaque... : Site douteux, attention... : Site de qualité moyenne : Bon site qui tient ses promesses : Site excellent, rien à redire, très sérieux
Synergy profit
Synergy implements special programs, which are indeed investment products that are tied to a specific product or service. With the Synergy profit team you can buy a car, real estate and services for only 30-60% of their cost, while you wait for fulfillment of obligations, your investment is under a 100% guarantee using the Largo Insurance platform.
Il faut un rang "mentor 11"... J'en suis loin, mais ça signifie que le site se développe.
Sans proposer de booster ou autre, on va dire que c'est plutôt bon signe.