Traffic Monsoon le plus gros revshare et autosurf du monde
Attention : Cette rubrique regroupe des sites qui sont illégaux car ils reposent pour la plupart sur un système de Ponzi. Même si au départ, l'idée des revshares parait séduisante. Il s'avère avec le temps qu'ils finissent tous par fermer
bonjour voila je voulai savoir comment rajouter mon site sur trafficmonsoon merci bonne journé a tous
Le 20/02/2016
salut tu click la :Buy AdPacks w/Sharing
To Begin, Click "Setup a New Banner Ad"
After setup, choose whether you want to buy banner service with a sharing position, or without.
With Sharing Position This selection provides you with 20 Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits, 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits, and 1 Revenue Sharing Position. This is a $50 purchase. By clicking a minimum of 10 ads in the traffic exchange, you'll continue to share in site revenues up to $55.00 on each sharing position you have.
Without Sharing Position This selection provides you with Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits. $0.25 per click, and $0.50 per click with country targeting. Minimum budget varies based upon banner size.
Every click on your banners ads is worth a lot - those users who click on your ads may become your referrals or even clients. Users click simply because they are interested in the topic of your ads!
* Please Note: A purchase of advertising service with us is not considered a deposit, nor investment.
tu click sur : SETUP A NEW BANNER AD
apres :
If you're not sure what to promote, copy the following details, and enter them into the fields.
Note: Banners Display to Both Members & People Who Are NOT Members of Traffic Monsoon.
Banner Size: 468x60
Title of Campaign: Traffic Monsoon
Target Link:
Banner Image URL:*Banner Size :
*Title of Campaign :
*Target Link:
*Banner Image URL:
tu remplis et tu sauves. bien sur cela ce fait sur l'achat d'un pack .
Notation des sites par les internautes sur le ManiaBook :
: Site à éviter à tout pris, SCAM, arnaque... : Site douteux, attention... : Site de qualité moyenne : Bon site qui tient ses promesses : Site excellent, rien à redire, très sérieux
To Begin, Click "Setup a New Banner Ad"
After setup, choose whether you want to buy banner service with a sharing position, or without.
With Sharing Position
This selection provides you with 20 Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits, 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits, and 1 Revenue Sharing Position. This is a $50 purchase. By clicking a minimum of 10 ads in the traffic exchange, you'll continue to share in site revenues up to $55.00 on each sharing position you have.
Without Sharing Position
This selection provides you with Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits. $0.25 per click, and $0.50 per click with country targeting. Minimum budget varies based upon banner size.
Every click on your banners ads is worth a lot - those users who click on your ads may become your referrals or even clients. Users click simply because they are interested in the topic of your ads!
* Please Note: A purchase of advertising service with us is not considered a deposit, nor investment.
tu click sur : SETUP A NEW BANNER AD
apres :
If you're not sure what to promote, copy the following details, and enter them into the fields.
Note: Banners Display to Both Members & People Who Are NOT Members of Traffic Monsoon.
Banner Size: 468x60
Title of Campaign: Traffic Monsoon
Target Link:
Banner Image URL:*Banner Size :
*Title of Campaign :
*Target Link:
*Banner Image URL:
tu remplis et tu sauves. bien sur cela ce fait sur l'achat d'un pack .