
3 Avatar anonyme
Le 30/01/2016
bonjour voila je voulai savoir comment rajouter mon site sur trafficmonsoon  www.richeetlibreadomicile.fr  merci bonne journé a tous
99 Utilisateur désactivé
Le 20/02/2016
salut tu click la :Buy AdPacks w/Sharing

To Begin, Click "Setup a New Banner Ad"

After setup, choose whether you want to buy banner service with a sharing position, or without.

With Sharing Position
This selection provides you with 20 Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits, 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits, and 1 Revenue Sharing Position. This is a $50 purchase. By clicking a minimum of 10 ads in the traffic exchange, you'll continue to share in site revenues up to $55.00 on each sharing position you have.

Without Sharing Position
This selection provides you with Pay-Per-Click Banner Credits. $0.25 per click, and $0.50 per click with country targeting. Minimum budget varies based upon banner size.

Every click on your banners ads is worth a lot - those users who click on your ads may become your referrals or even clients. Users click simply because they are interested in the topic of your ads!

* Please Note: A purchase of advertising service with us is not considered a deposit, nor investment.

tu click sur : SETUP A NEW BANNER AD

apres :

 If you're not sure what to promote, copy the following details, and enter them into the fields.
Note: Banners Display to Both Members & People Who Are NOT Members of Traffic Monsoon.

Banner Size: 468x60
Title of Campaign: Traffic Monsoon
Target Link: https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=widyship
Banner Image URL: https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif*Banner Size :
*Title of Campaign :

*Target Link:

*Banner Image URL:

tu remplis et tu sauves. bien sur cela ce fait sur l'achat d'un pack .
mes investissements en musique ....et Vise et versa ...
Dernière édition par widyship le 2016-02-20 à 12:21:05 (Edité 1 fois)

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