At the same time - the National Bank of Slovakia does not register the this company as a provider of investment services under a single European authorization.
+ ATLANTIC GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.A., has never asked for a license from the National Bank of the Slovak Republic!!! why???
Dernière édition par martinmertan le 2017-07-25 à 11:42:34 (Edité 1 fois)
Le 25/07/2017
Je me permet aussi d´ajouter l´Italie (annoncé aujoud´hui sur BehindMLM)
At the same time - the National Bank of Slovakia does not register the this company as a provider of investment services under a single European authorization.
+ ATLANTIC GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.A., has never asked for a license from the National Bank of the Slovak Republic!!! why???
pense a traduire en FR pour ceux qui ne maitrise pas l'anglais ..
Notation des sites par les internautes sur le ManiaBook :
: Site à éviter à tout pris, SCAM, arnaque... : Site douteux, attention... : Site de qualité moyenne : Bon site qui tient ses promesses : Site excellent, rien à redire, très sérieux
Official warning from yesterday
At the same time - the National Bank of Slovakia does not register the this company as a provider of investment services under a single European authorization.
+ ATLANTIC GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.A., has never asked for a license from the National Bank of the Slovak Republic!!! why???
La page officielle das affiliés Questra est maintenat interdite sur Facebook
pense a traduire en FR pour ceux qui ne maitrise pas l'anglais ..
merci pour eux
Merci Martinmertan