Nouvelles de Belgique inquiétantes de FSMA !

11 Avatar de Lorenzo62122
Le 18/07/2017
FSMA = Autorité des Services et Marchés Financiés.

Article de cette autorité en Belgique, qui me semble pas très élogieuses pour Questra et AGAM.

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Le 18/07/2017
C'est la troisieme fois que Questra-Agam se fait taper sur les doigts. Aujourdhuit ils ont vraiement pas l'air content a la FSMA.
2 Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
attention comme deja dit la demande est pas faite aupres de fmsa 
mais un demande de une license fintech
Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
Alors tout va bien! 
Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
People, open your eyes!

Licensing is just a cheap trick for the stupid sheeps.......

Scammers from Questra need time  - they want to hide all the scam's tracks..........

Money is gone away.................do you understand it???!!! Money is forever gone........and scammers are cheerful..........it's all..........maybe now you can not believe it, but you will believe it - comming soon............unfortunately it's reality (I have secret information about it).........bye bye........  
2 Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
i think nobody have information only questra now 
i still take of money every week .
so dont talk about what u dont know 
whe have send to finetech and the bussy with a request for agam 

and if u have information why u dont share ?
3 Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
Cherche pas, le mec c'est son premier message sur le forum, il vient avec un super "j'ai des infos top secrete"..... vachement crédible le mec.
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Le 19/07/2017
OK, no problem...............you wait and wait and wait.......for miracle..............I have been analyzing internet scams for over 10 years, ........so again, maybe now you can not believe it, but you will believe it - comming soon............I have no problem with anyone in this forum, so......good luck for all! 
2 Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
i whait and every year for one year i i have money on my adv  
i live in luxemburge and here whe have 0 probleme
3 Avatar anonyme
Le 19/07/2017
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