Au vu du "profil" de ce site (parrainage sur plusieurs niveaux) et surtout du fait qu'il ne permet aux membres de récupérer leurs gains que si ils parrainent d'autres membres, il ne s'agit pas d'un site de jeux proprement dit mais plutôt d'un MLM.
"Getting payoffs by the user is restricted by availability of gold on the account. 1 gold gives the right to withdraw 1 RUB. Gold is credited for: your replenishments of the account (40% of the sum); "" Accordingly the Coordinator informs you that the Game is partially based on the principles of financial pyramid and in any moment you can lose all your means and will have no complaints to the Coordinator. "
Notation des sites par les internautes sur le ManiaBook :
: Site à éviter à tout pris, SCAM, arnaque... : Site douteux, attention... : Site de qualité moyenne : Bon site qui tient ses promesses : Site excellent, rien à redire, très sérieux
Changement de section
"Getting payoffs by the user is restricted by availability of gold on the account. 1 gold gives the right to withdraw 1 RUB. Gold is credited for: your replenishments of the account (40% of the sum); "" Accordingly the Coordinator informs you that the Game is partially based on the principles of financial pyramid and in any moment you can lose all your means and will have no complaints to the Coordinator. "
Fiche déplacée en section MLM