.. pour tout le monde sauf ceux qui ont encore un peu de "cloudmining" qui tourne.
Un message d'explication est dispo pour tous les membres (il faut se loguer).
For customers that are not Cloud Mining, Eobot will be permanently closing and shutting down on December 31, 2020. All balances are safe, and we will remain operational until all customers can safely withdraw their coins.
It has been a fun ride serving you, our 2.5 million users, over the years. When we started in 2013, the cryptocurrency ecosystem was vastly different. We innovated with new features and provided speed, simplicity, and security. As the years have gone on, our competitors are now doing things better than us.
We hope you have enjoyed mining, trading, and being part of Eobot. It has been a pleasure, and even though our paths may not cross again, good luck and happy mining.
-The Eobot Team
C'est la fin d'une belle histoire commencée il y a 7 ans avec Eobot.
Dernière édition par damien7538 le 2020-12-10 à 16:21:50 (Edité 1 fois)
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Notation des sites par les internautes sur le ManiaBook :
: Site à éviter à tout pris, SCAM, arnaque... : Site douteux, attention... : Site de qualité moyenne : Bon site qui tient ses promesses : Site excellent, rien à redire, très sérieux
Eobot va fermer fin décembre 2020 ...
Un message d'explication est dispo pour tous les membres (il faut se loguer).
For customers that are not Cloud Mining, Eobot will be permanently closing and shutting down on December 31, 2020. All balances are safe, and we will remain operational until all customers can safely withdraw their coins.
It has been a fun ride serving you, our 2.5 million users, over the years. When we started in 2013, the cryptocurrency ecosystem was vastly different. We innovated with new features and provided speed, simplicity, and security. As the years have gone on, our competitors are now doing things better than us.
We hope you have enjoyed mining, trading, and being part of Eobot. It has been a pleasure, and even though our paths may not cross again, good luck and happy mining.
-The Eobot Team
C'est la fin d'une belle histoire commencée il y a 7 ans avec Eobot.